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Support Services

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HIV and BBV Friendly Services

WAAC (Us!)

WAAC specialises in HIV prevention, HIV support and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) health. WAAC helps people with HIV take control of their health, as well as the health of their partners, by providing information, programs and services including counselling, support and support groups.

For more information, fill out the contact form or phone 08 9482 0000

ASHM list of PrEP Prescribers – for GPs who support PLHIV

This map will help you find a prescriber in your who prescribes medication for hepatitis C (HCV) or HIV.

WA – Health

Although PrEP can now be prescribed by any medical practitioner or endorsed nurse practitioner, the link above is a list of practitioners who attended the PrEP training commissioned by WA DoH and agreed to have their details published online.

Hepatitis WA

The Deen Clinic is a primary health care service founded by HepatitisWA. The initial aim of the Deen Clinic is to increase screening for and treatment of blood-borne viruses.

South Terrace Clinic

South Terrace Clinic is a free service that offers a wide range of multidisciplinary services to treat, screen and educate people about sexually transmitted infections.

Ainslie House – Royal Perth Hospital

Royal Perth Hospital offers a multidisciplinary sexual health service to treat patients with sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STDs/STIs).

Royal Perth Hospital Immunology

The clinical immunology service provides a week diagnostic and management service for both inpatients and outpatients of Royal Perth Hospital. Specialities include immune deficiency disorders including primary immune deficiency disorders, HIV infection and other acquired immune deficiency disorders.

Perth Childrens Hospital (PCH)

The PCH Infectious Diseases Department provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient services for children and young people who have, or who are at higher risk of, infectious diseases.

Fiona Stanley Infectious Diseases

The Infectious Diseases service treats inpatients and outpatients with complex community and hospital-acquired infections, including infections in the immunocompromised.

HIV/AIDS Legal Centre

The HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (HALC) is a not-for-profit, specialist community legal centre: the only one of its kind in Australia. We tackle the severe stigma and discrimination associated with HIV by providing specialist services to vulnerable people living with HIV in Australia.

Positive Organisation Western Australia (POWA)

POWA was incorporated on 9 May 2017 and is led by openly HIV+ Western Australians to advance the health, welfare and lives of all people with HIV in WA.

HIV S100 Providers

Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is classed as a ‘section 100 highly specialised drug’ under the National Health Act, meaning that there are restrictions on prescribing these medicines.

In addition to Authorised General Practitioners (GPs), from 1 April 2020, Authorised Nurse Practitioners (NPs) can prescribe HIV medicines under the Section 100 Highly Specialised Drugs program.

To view a full list of WA Health approved HIV S100 providers, please refer to the Department of Health website found here.

Legal Services

HALC (HIV/AIDS Legal Centre Inc.)

HALC is a not-for-profit, specialist community legal centre, and the only one of its kind in Australia. To provide free and comprehensive legal assistance (within operational guidelines) to people with HIV or Hepatitis-related legal matters.

Legal Aid WA

Legal Aid WA is the public face of the Legal Aid Commission of Western Australia. Legal Aid are the largest provider of legal aid services in Western Australia, with around 480 lawyers and support staff in 9 offices covering Perth and regional WA.

State Administrative Tribunal

The State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) is an independent body that reviews a wide range of government decisions and determines disputes.  SAT’s jurisdiction extends to guardianship and administration, equal opportunity, vocational regulation, resources and development, including town planning, and commercial and civil disputes.

Estrin Saul

Estrin Saul Lawyers is Western Australia’s largest specialist immigration law firm. They are experts in the field and with over 20 years’ experience in immigration law, and are well-placed to provide expert, practical immigration advice.

Sussex Street Community Law Service

Sussex Street deliver legal and social services, community education and law reform to promote social justice. They also provide a pro-bono legal clinic (Rainbow Law) for members of the LGBTIQA+ community needing assistance with legal questions related to intimate partner violence, disability/gender/sex discrimination, identity documents, and general legal issues

LGBTIQA+ Services

Freedom Centre

Freedom Centre provides a broad range of support services for LGBTIQA+ young people around WA, including drop-in sessions, community development, counselling and much more.

Freedom State

Our community development team have a broad scope and is available to work alongside local agencies, organisations, community groups and individuals to increase support for LGBTIQA+ young people.

Transfolk WA

Informing, empowering and advocating for trans and gender diverse people to survive and thrive.


Create a responsive and inclusive mature age environment that promotes and supports a quality life for older people of diverse sexualities and gender identities.

Living Proud

Living Proud has provided support to LGBTIQ+ people and communities in WA for over 40 years.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) Community Services


ASeTTS has a proud history of serving humanitarian entrants and refugees settling in WA since 1992. ASeTTS provides services to people who are humanitarian entrants or are from a refugee type background and who have experienced torture or trauma in their country of origin, during their flight to Australia, or while in detention.


Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services provides holistic services to women from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds. Ishar is an LGBTQI-friendly service and welcomes women of any sexual orientation, anyone who identifies as a woman and anyone who was assigned a female identity at birth.

MercyCare: Step by Step Service

MercyCare’s Step by Step Settlement Service provides support for newly arrived humanitarian entrants and other eligible migrant/s who live in the Perth metropolitan area.

Multicultural Service Centre of WA

Multicultural Services Centre of Western Australia Inc. (MSC) is an established provider of diverse community services and programs. MSC has been supporting culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) Western Australians for over four decades and aims to address the unmet needs of migrants and refugees.

Red Cross

Red Cross provides help and support to refugees, people seeking asylum, people in immigration detention and other people who are vulnerable as a result of migration.

Settlement Council of Australia

SCoA operates as a network of settlement service providers. Our aim is to bring settlement service providers together at a national level to create a cohesive voice to improve collaborative strategic planning processes.

Aboriginal Services


13YARN is the first national crisis support line for mob who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping. They offer a confidential one-on-one yarning opportunity with a Lifeline-trained Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter who can provide crisis support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Derbarl Yerrigan

Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service is an Aboriginal community controlled health organisation which was established in 1974 who provide holistic and integrated primary health care services to Aboriginal people living in the Perth metropolitan region.

Aboriginal Health Council of WA

AHCWA is the peak body for Aboriginal health in Western Australia who work to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal people and their communities.

Wungening Aboriginal Corporation

We exist to empower Aboriginal people to reconnect with their mind, body, spirit and community.

South West Aboriginal Medical Services

The South West Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS) is a Noongar Community Controlled Health Organisation, founded on the principles of self determination, empowerment and freedom of choice.

Yorgum Healing Services

We provide culturally secure, community-based healing services that utilise a trauma-informed approach to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, young people, and adults.

Aboriginal Health Infonet

For over 20 years, the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet has provided support to those working in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health sector by making research and other knowledge readily accessible, and contribute to closing the gap in health between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.

Alcohol and Other Drug Services

WAAC Needle and Syringe Exchange Program

The WAAC Needle and Syringe Exchange Program (NSEP) provides services to people who inject drugs across Perth.

Access, Care, and Empowerment (ACE) App

ACE (Access, Care and Empowerment) is a mobile app for people who inject drugs to help reduce harm to themselves and others.

Alcohol and Drug Support Service (MHC)

The Alcohol and Drug Support Service provides 24/7 non-judgemental telephone, counselling, information, referral and support lines for alcohol and drug use.

Cambridge Clinic

Non-residential drug and alcohol dependence treatment facility.


HepatitisWA is a Western Australian not-for-profit based in the heart of Northbridge who are a community-based organisation working together to provide services and empower those affected by and living with viral hepatitis.

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA (formerly known as WASUA) provides non-judgmental, friendly peer based support, information and education, advocacy and harm reduction services and services aimed at reducing the transmission of Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmitted Infections associated with drug use amongst the community in WA.

Palmerston Association

Palmerston Association is a leading and respected not for profit provider of alcohol and other drug services who have a rich and proud history of providing support through a range of services including counselling, groups, residential rehabilitation and educational initiatives.

Salvation Army – Bridge Program

The Salvation Army Bridge Program operates a sobering up centre and detoxification service in the inner-city. The detoxification service provides a one week residential stay and operates to a supportive care model based on non-medical or low-medical interventions. Complex withdrawal cases, or those with severe symptoms are referred to medical services. Located in Gosnells, referral to the service needs to occur via admission to Bridge House in Highgate. Both services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to drug and alcohol users aged 18 years and older. The sobering up service also accepts 15-18 year olds.

Cyrenian House

Cyrenian House is a not-for profit organisation founded in 1981 and is one of the leading alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment service provider in Australia.

Next Step Drug and Alcohol Services

Next Step Drug and Alcohol Services (Next Step) provide a range of treatment services for people experiencing problems associated with their alcohol and other drug use, as well as support for families.

Drug and Alcohol Youth Service

The Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS) is a free and confidential service located in East Perth which provides young people (aged 12 to 21) and their families with access to a comprehensive range of alcohol and drug services.

Women’s Health and Family Services

Women’s Health and Family Services are an independent for purpose organisation working in partnership to ensure their services complement and strengthen the public and primary health sectors. Located across the wider Perth metropolis, they offer a wide range of medical, allied health, counselling, advocacy, health promotion and education activities.

Meth Helpline
The Meth Helpline is a confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s meth use.
Phone: 1800 874 878

Services for Sex Workers


Magenta is a peer-based project dedicated to providing services to support and promote the health and safety of people involved in the sex industry in Western Australia.

Scarlet Alliance

Scarlet Alliance, Australian Sex Workers Association is the national peak body representing sex workers and sex worker organisations and projects in Australia who aim to achieve equality, social, legal, political, cultural and economic justice for sex workers.

Sexual Health Services

M Clinic

M Clinic is an appointment-only sexual health clinic in Perth that provides, confidential, non-judgmental STI, HIV, and BBV testing & treatment for men who have sex with men, trans, gender diverse and non-binary people.

Sexual Health Quarters

Educating, informing and empowering people to enjoy sexual health and relationship wellbeing.

South Terrace Clinic

South Terrace Clinic offer a wide range of multidisciplinary services to treat, screen and educate people about sexually transmitted infections. This is a free service – a Medicare card is not required and travellers are welcome.


Sexuality, Education, Counselling and Consultancy Agency support for people across the disability sector, and in mainstream services.

Mental Health Services

Beyond Blue

Your mental health is important. Some days are better than others and we all need a helping hand from time to time. Wherever you are in your mental health journey, Beyond Blue will be there to help.


Lifeline are a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Lifeline exist so that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.


QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTIQ+ peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.

Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL)

The Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL) is a 24-hour telephone service for people in the Perth metropolitan area experiencing a mental health crisis.


Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation who began in 2006, and ever since have provided early intervention mental health services to 12-25-year-olds.

Homelessness Support Services

Uniting WA

Uniting WA provide community services including children, family and foster care services, NDIS disability, advocacy and mental health services, as well as financial wellbeing, homelessness and housing support.

Salvation Army Beacon

The Salvation Army is the largest provider of homelessness services across the country. They provide services to adults, and families with accompanying children. Their services include accommodation, case management, assertive outreach support, financial assistance, together with connection and referral to other specialist services.

Perth Inner City Youth Services (PICYS)

PICYS is committed to working with young people in a non-judgmental and holistic way that fosters a belief in empowerment, integrity and collaboration, and which provides a safe and secure environment.


Ruah Community Services has been supporting and empowering vulnerable and disadvantaged people to create positive change in their lives for more than 60 years – leading innovation and delivering tailored, wrap-around support for people experiencing homelessness, family and domestic violence, mental health challenges and, as a result, needing legal advice and support.


Passages is a youth engagement hub providing a non-judgemental safe space to our communities most marginalised and at risk young people in Perth and Peel. Young people aged 12 to 25 years have a safe, friendly and positive place to access support and referrals to essential services.

Homelessness We Care

Homelessness, mental health issues, social justice, LGBTI+, drug & alcohol issues using community support and outreach.

St Bart’s

St Bart’s is one of Perth’s leading not-for-profit providers of accommodation and outreach services for vulnerable Western Australians experiencing or at risk of homelessness, mental health challenges, trauma and hardship.

St Patrick’s

St Pat’s provides support for people facing homelessness in south metropolitan Perth.

Perth Homelessness Support Group

The Perth Homeless Support Group has developed an innovative “Community Model” over time, which focuses on assisting individuals experiencing homelessness, displacement, and those in transitional housing.

Homeless Health Care

Homeless Healthcare is the only organisation in WA providing homeless-specific healthcare across hospital and community settings, with expertise in trauma-informed care, AOD and mental health.

Freo Street Doctor

Freo Street Doctor is a mobile medical health service that provides a visible, easily accessible and non-judgemental primary health care service to marginalised, disadvantaged and homeless people in our community.

Do you have an HIV question?

Ask away. Our team is here to support you. Questions will usually be answered within three business days. Please note that we cannot provide specific medical or legal advice and can only answer questions in general terms.

Types of questions we can answer include:

  • I have received an HIV diagnosis. Can you recommend some counselling services to help me get support?
  • I have HIV and feel I have been discriminated against. Where can I find out more about my rights and access legal support?
  • Do you know of any good resources to help educate my friends and family about HIV?
  • I want to connect with other people living with HIV. How can I do this?


664 Murray Street, West Perth 6005