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WAAC is committed to meaningful engagement and collaboration with people living with HIV in WA.

Many of our services focus on supporting people living with HIV and it is vital that we have guidance, feedback and input from the community. This is why we created WAAC Input from You (WAACIFY).


The purpose of WAACIFY is to bring together people living with HIV, to walk alongside WAAC in a collaborative and co-design principled way. WAACIFY members provide ideas, feedback and guidance on identified WAAC related resources, projects and initiatives.

WAACIFY meetings are designed to be respectful and collaborative to foster values of community and friendship. Members are able to give feedback on the perceived success of campaigns and activities developed by WAAC and have an opportunity to voice community issues and feedback.

Read the WAACIFY Terms of Reference.


Interested in joining WAACIFY?

If you are interested in participating on our WAACIFY group, please fill out the expression of interest form below.

    Are you a person living with HIV? (required)


    If you have any questions about WAACIFY and want to know more, contact Rhys Ross by email or by calling 08 9482 0000


    664 Murray Street, West Perth 6005